19 October 2010

Apache Solr

Apache Solr

Solr is a standalone enterprise search server with a web-services like API. You put documents in it (called "indexing") via XML over HTTP. You query it via HTTP GET and receive XML results.

Advanced Full-Text Search Capabilities

Optimized for High Volume Web Traffic

Standards Based Open Interfaces - XML,JSON and HTTP

Comprehensive HTML Administration Interfaces

Server statistics exposed over JMX for monitoring

Scalability - Efficient Replication to other Solr Search Servers

Flexible and Adaptable with XML configuration

Extensible Plugin Architecture

Solr Uses the Lucene Search Library and Extends it!

A Real Data Schema, with Numeric Types, Dynamic Fields, Unique Keys

Powerful Extensions to the Lucene Query Language

Faceted Search and Filtering

Advanced, Configurable Text Analysis

Highly Configurable and User Extensible Caching

Performance Optimizations

External Configuration via XML

An Administration Interface

Monitorable Logging

Fast Incremental Updates and Index Replication

Highly Scalable Distributed search with sharded index across multiple hosts

XML, CSV/delimited-text, and binary update formats

Easy ways to pull in data from databases and XML files from local disk and HTTP


Rich Document Parsing and Indexing (PDF, Word, HTML, etc) using Apache Tika

Multiple search indices


Defines the field types and fields of documents

Can drive more intelligent processing

  • Declarative Lucene Analyzer specification

Dynamic Fields enables on-the-fly addition of new fields

CopyField functionality allows indexing a single field multiple ways, or combining multiple fields into a single searchable field

Explicit types eliminates the need for guessing types of fields

External file-based configuration of stopword lists, synonym lists, and protected word lists

Many additional text analysis components including word splitting, regex and sounds-like filters


HTTP interface with configurable response formats (XML/XSLT, JSON, Python, Ruby, PHP, Velocity, binary)

Sort by any number of fields

Advanced DisMax query parser for high relevancy results from user-entered queries

Highlighted context snippets

Faceted Searching based on unique field values, explicit queries, or date ranges

Multi-Select Faceting by tagging and selectively excluding filters

Spelling suggestions for user queries

More Like This suggestions for given document

Function Query - influence the score by user specified complex functions of numeric fields or query relevancy scores.

Range filter over Function Query results

Date Math - specify dates relative to "NOW" in queries and updates

Dynamic search results clustering using Carrot2

Numeric field statistics such as min, max, average, standard deviation

Combine queries derived from different syntaxes

Auto-suggest functionality

Allow configuration of top results for a query, overriding normal scoring and sorting

Performance Optimizations


Dynamically create and delete document collections without restarting

Pluggable query handlers and extensible XML data format

Pluggable user functions for Function Query

Customizable component based request handler with distributed search support

Document uniqueness enforcement based on unique key field

Duplicate document detection, including fuzzy near duplicates

Custom index processing chains, allowing document manipulation before indexing User configurable commands triggered on index changes

Ability to control where docs with the sort field missing will be placed

"Luke" request handler for corpus information


Configurable Query Result, Filter, and Document cache instances

Pluggable Cache implementations, including a lock free, high concurrency implementation

Cache warming in background

When a new searcher is opened, configurable searches are run against it in order to warm it up to avoid slow first hits. During warming, the current searcher handles live requests.

Autowarming in background

The most recently accessed items in the caches of the current searcher are re-populated in the new searcher, enabling high cache hit rates across index/searcher changes.

Fast/small filter implementation

User level caching with autowarming support

Admin Interface

Comprehensive statistics on cache utilization, updates, and queries

Interactive schema browser that includes index statistics

Replication monitoring

Full logging control

Text analysis debugger, showing result of every stage in an analyzer

Web Query Interface w/ debugging output

parsed query output

Lucene explain() document score detailing

explain score for documents outside of the requested range to debug why a given document wasn't ranked higher.

Installing Solr


  • Java5 or greater installed

  • A servlet container such as Tomcat, Jetty, or Resin

  • A Solr distribution

  • Although Solr strives to be agnostic of the Locale where the server is running, some code paths may inadvertently be depending on the System default Locale, or Charset. It is recommended that when running Solr you set the following system properties: -Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US


  • Stop your servlet container

  • From the solr distribution, copy the solr war to the webapps directory of your servlet container as solr.war

  • From the solr distribution, copy the example solr home example/solr as a template for your solr home.

  • Start the servlet container, passing the location of your solr home. This may be done in a number of ways:

    • Set the java system property solr.solr.home to your solr home.

    • Configure the servlet container such that a JNDI lookup of "java:comp/env/solr/home" by the solr webapp will point to the solr home.

    • The default solr home is "solr" under the JVM's current working directory ($CWD/solr), so start the servlet container in the directory containing ./solr

  • Go to the solr admin page to verify that the installation is working. It will be at http://localhost:8080/solr/admin

  • The servlet container may have started on a port other than 8080... check the servlet containers documentation if you don't know what this is.

  • If there is already a servlet container running at that port, yours may fail to start. Shut down the other one or change the port that yours is running at.

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