28 December 2010

IVR Basics: Part 3

Application on MPS system
There are three major types of applications:
Call processing applications are assigned to physical phone lines. A separate instance of both the application and VENGINE process is required for each physical phone line to which the application is assigned.

Administrative applications perform system maintenance functions and support the call processing applications. They are not assigned with physical phone lines. However, they also require a separate instance of VENGINE for each instance of the application.

Web-based applications perform many of the same functions as call processing applications, but through a browser interface over the World Wide Web. They are not assigned to physical phone lines.

MMF file:
A Multi-Media Format (MMF) file contains audio elements (vocabulary and Caller Message Recording [CMR]) and/or fax data. An individual message in an MMF file is called an element. One MMF file normally contains many elements. A single MMF actually consists of two files:
• The index file consists of element names, sizes and other attributes organized by means of Element Access Pointers (or EAPs) and has a .mmi extension.
• The data file contains audio data (audio, fax, Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) tones, and so on) and has an .mmd extension.


The Java Services Bridge (JSB) provides a message interface between Nortel Networks Interactive Voice Response (IVR) applications (created with PeriProducer) and any Java facility accessible through a Java API. With the JSB, a Nortel Networks application written in PeriProducer can call the static methods of any Java class, can instantiate new instances (create a new instance of an object) of Java classes, and can invoke the instance methods of an instantiated class. The JSB executes within the context of the Application Services Environment (ASE) as a standard service daemon.

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