writing a simple class
> dojo.provide("com.test.Utils");
this will denote which class we are creating.
dojo.declare("com.test.utils, null,
var1 : val1,
constructor : function()
// Initialize the class variable here ..
// Writing class functions
function1 : function ()
Note this class must be placed under dojo/com/test/ directory and name of js file should be Utils.js. Dojo loads class cosidering dojo as base directory.
Sample class: This class provides some utility functions
// file name: com/test/Utils.js
dojo.declare('com.test.Utils', null,
// Initialize the class variables
constructor : function(ds)
this.oneByte = 8;
this.oneKB = 1024;
this.oneMB = 1024 * 1024;
this.oneGB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
this.oneTB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
this.onePB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
// Converts the supplied bytes in Words
sizeInWord : function(size)
try {
size = parseInt(size);
} catch (e) {
return "-";
if (size == undefined)
return "-";
if (size < this.oneKB) {
return Math.round(size/this.oneByte) + " Bytes";
if (size < this.oneMB) {
return Math.round(size/this.oneKB) + " KB";
if (size < this.oneGB) {
eturn Math.round(size/this.oneMB) + " MB";
if (size < this.oneTB) {
return Math.round(size/this.oneGB) + " GB";
if (size < this.onePB) {
return Math.round(size/this.oneTB) + " TB";
return "INFINITE";
// convert the provided array to string
arrToStr: function(input)
if (input == undefined)
return "";
var str = "";
if (dojo.isArray(input)) {
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
str += this.escapeHTMLCodes(input[i]);
return str;
return "";
// escapes the HTML characters
escapeHTMLCodes: function (str)
if (str == "" || str == undefined)
return "";
str = str.replace(/&/g, "& ;").
str = str.replace(/>/g, "> ;");
str = str.replace(/</g, "< ;")
str = str.replace(/"/g, "\"");
return str;
// format the given date in required format
formatDate: function(date, dateFormat)
var fdate;
if (dateFormat == undefined)
return "-";
try {
fDate = dojo.date.locale.format(new Date(date),
{datePattern: dateFormat});
} catch (e) {
return "-";
return fDate;
// format the given date in given date and time format
formatDateAndTime : function(date, dateFormat, timeFormat)
var fdate;
if (dateFormat == undefined)
return "-";
try {
fDate = dojo.date.locale.format(new Date(date),
{datePattern: dateFormat, timePattern: timeFormat});
} catch (e) {
return "-";
return fDate;
// Trim the string
trimToLength : function(str, start, len)
if (str == undefined || str == "")
return "";
return str.substring(start, len);
How to Use the class in HTML page:
1. Load the module
2. Using the class
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
//create instance of the class
var utils = new com.test.Utils();
alert(utils.sizeInWords(10240)); // show 1 MB
alert(utils.formatDate(new Date(), "dd MMMM yyyy")
// will show current date in dd MMMM yyyy format
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