Wrting a shell script some comman tasks
1. Getting running script name
Suppose script name is script.sh
Output will be:
2. Getting PID of the running script
$$ gives the PID of the running shell script.
3. Getting command like options using getopts
"getopts" provides the facility to take named arguments. Arguments -o will specify which small arguments will be allowed and -l provides the long listing arguments.
We can run above script as-
will print the help
4. Getting disk space for a particular partition
5. Getting System architecture
6. Getting system load average
7. Getting current time in specific format
8. Returning values other than integer from shell function
Shell allow only intger to be used in return statement of the function. To return value other than integer from function use echo command.
9. Comparing two floating number
Only integer number can be compaired using lt gt. To comapre the floating
point number we can bc.
10. Stripping out filename from full path
11. Stripping directory path from full path
1. Getting running script name
Suppose script name is script.sh
ME="$(basename $0)"
echo "My name: $ME"
echo "My name without extension: $ME"
Output will be:
My name: script.sh
My name without extension: script
ME="$(basename $0)"
Will return the scipt name ME=${ME%.*}
Will remove the last extension from the script 2. Getting PID of the running script
echo "My PID: $$"
$$ gives the PID of the running shell script.
3. Getting command like options using getopts
ME="$(basename $0)"
echo "usage:$ME [options]"
echo "-h, --help print the help for this program"
args=`getopt -o hv -l help,version -- $@`;
# Check if any argument value is missing
if [ $errcode -ne 0 ]; then
exit 1;
set -- $args
# Get the value of the arguments
for i; do
case "$i" in
-h|'--help') usage; exit 0;;
-v|'--version') echo $VERSION; exit 0;;
--) ;;
"getopts" provides the facility to take named arguments. Arguments -o will specify which small arguments will be allowed and -l provides the long listing arguments.
We can run above script as-
$ ./script.sh -h
or $./script --help
will print the help
4. Getting disk space for a particular partition
availdisk="$(df -kP ${partition}| awk '{ print $4 }' | tail -1)"
echo "Available disk space: $availdisk"
5. Getting System architecture
arch="$(uname -a)"
echo "System architecture : $arch"
6. Getting system load average
loadavg="$(uptime | awk -F "load average:" '{ print $2 }' | cut -d, -f1)"
echo "Load average for last 1 Minute: $loadavg"
loadavg="$(uptime | awk -F "load average:" '{ print $2 }' | cut -d, -f2)"
echo "Load average for last 5 Minute: $loadavg"
loadavg="$(uptime | awk -F "load average:" '{ print $2 }' | cut -d, -f3)"
echo "Load average for last 10 Minute: $loadavg"
7. Getting current time in specific format
ts="$(date +%F-%H.%M.%S.0000)"
echo $ts
8. Returning values other than integer from shell function
Shell allow only intger to be used in return statement of the function. To return value other than integer from function use echo command.
#! /bin/bash
echo "$1" "$2"
# return "$1" "$2" # not allowed
str="$(concat 'Hi' 'There')"
echo "$str"
9. Comparing two floating number
Only integer number can be compaired using lt gt. To comapre the floating
point number we can bc.
#! /bin/bash
compare_result=`echo "$1 > $2" | bc 2>/dev/null`
if [ $compare_result ]; then
return 1
return 0
if ! compare_result 10.1 20.5; then
echo "First one is less than second"
echo "First one is grater than second"
10. Stripping out filename from full path
local fullpath="$1"
local filename="${fullpath##*/}" # Strip longest match of */ from start
echo $filename
filename="$(getFileName $1)"
echo "File name from path : $filename"
11. Stripping directory path from full path
local fullpath="$1"
local filename="${fullpath##*/}" # Strip longest match of */ from start
local dir="${fullpath:0:${#fullpath} - ${#filename}}"
echo "$dir"
path="$(getDirPath $1)"
echo "Direcotry path: $path"
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